As stated in Presidential Decree No. 856 or The Code on Sanitation of the Philippines, requires water examination for drinking water. Only DOH-accredited laboratory for drinking water analysis is the only authorized laboratory to conduct Microbiological, Physico-chemical and Microbiological-Physicochemical services to all drinking service providers such as water suppliers, water-refilling stations, ice manufacturers, all food establishments, residential, commercial, industrial that use/ serve drinking water.
The current operations of a water testing laboratory involve a lot of paper trail from water sampling, analysis, releasing of certificates and monitoring of sales. Vox Dei Protocol Systems Inc. (VDPSI), developed a Water Testing Facility to automate the process of water sampling, water analysis and generation of certificates and report monitoring for efficiency of operations.
Water Testing System is an application (Web and Mobile) designed to organize all the tasks of marketing, water sampler, admin, lab analysts and head chemists. These tasks include data entry of clients, test parameters selection, admin approval, lab analyst module, head chemist approval and reports.